Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sunday Oversleep?? Make your own cucumber pads!

Hola! Karena tau malem minggu.. biasanya pengen habisin malem gtu kan..tidur agak telat, jadi sempet begadang nonton dvd gitu.. dan bangunnya biasanya mata agak sembab,kantung mata apalagi..udah bermata panda aja gak sih? Akhirnya saya kemaren coba buat masker mata timun buatan sendiri..Based on Michelle Phan's tutorial about Cucumber Pads, jadi penasaran coba praktekin sendiri... and it SUPER EASY TO DO..

Here are what you need..
1. You need 1 cucumber..7 cm cucumber can use for 30 pads (15 hari)

2. Cotton Pads / Kapas Kecantikan secukupnya (sebanyak kamu mau buat padsnya)
3. Air Putih
4. Blender / Juicer

5. Plastik kedap air (ber-zip)

Oke.. Cara buatnya SIMPLE and SUPER EASY!
1. Blender Timun dicampur air secukupnya..Kira2 aja..yang penting ga terlalu kentel n ga terlalu cair.
    Blend the cucumber and water..
2. Now you got that juice.. put the cotton pads in it..and squeeze it..
3. Get your plastic zip and put the squeezed cucumber pads in it.. you can put as much as you wanted like the pic below..

4. Put it in freezer. (freezer not refrigerator okay.. we want to make it freeze :) look at that, there they are..
5. After it freeze, (about 1 day) you can take 2 pads and ready to get your own cucumber pads!!
6. kalo udah jadi... :) ambil 2 pads cukup, dan taruh di piring kecil utk buat dia agak meleleh dari es2 itu.. hehe kalo masi berbentuk es agak susah diaplikasiin, kaku.
7. Nah udah jadi deh.. sambil nunggu beberapa menit aja...kamu bisa deh letakkan padsnya di mata kamu.. diamkan selama 5-10 menit.. haha i know i looked miserable in this pic.. sorry for that :-D
8.UDAH DEH.. Now you got this clearly vision, fresh eyes,and yang pasti DADAH MATA PANDA....... :) :)

 Oyah klo bisa rutin ya lakuin ini tiap pagi.. itu maksudnya km bisa buat sebanyak2nya kapas  sekaligus...kan awet karena di freezer. jadi ambil secukupnya aja tiap pagi... :)

Selamat mencoba ;-)



  1. ya ampun I did it too :) dibuat jadi masker jg enak lho hehehhehe apalagi kalo abis pencet2 komedo HAHAHAH :D

  2. Ga pernah kepikiran XD What a good idea!!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. hihi sama sama carryn.. ayo dicobaaa yaahh :)

  3. Kreatif!! Thanks for sharing.. ;)

    1. Makasi mba Ephong..... Sama sama... thanx for comment yah :)

  4. Nice tips,,jadi pengen bikin..thanks udah mau share :)


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